We would like to announce a call for papers for the 3rd Virtual Multidisciplinary Conference of the www.quaesti.com to be held online on December 7-11, 2015. The QUAESTI conference will connect scientists from various fields and create a multidisciplinary event. We especially invite Young Researchers – Junior Scientists for who this conference is intended.
Full papers
English is official conference language.
All papers will be single-blind, peer-reviewed in double tier approval process.
Full papers should be max 6 pages using conference template.
We welcome any research approach or type of paper including conceptual, empirical and critical literature reviews.
However, we expect high standards of scholarship within the papers in terms of establishing the theoretical context, explaining the methods of inquiry, and reporting results that may aid other researchers, especially young researchers.
Best papers will be published in academic journals .
Reviewing process
All full papers need to be submitted via our conference management system, available at www.quaesti.com (you need to be signed in).
To submit your paper, please follow these steps
Register at the www.quaesti.com.
Once logged in select "Papers and Conferences" and then click "Add new paper to the conference". First, include all the title and authors. Then, provide the abstract, your address (for invoice), email do not forget to upload the doc/docx file (your article).
Your paper will be stored in the system and passed on to the relevant reviewer for consideration.
If successful, you will receive an email notifying you and giving you details of further steps.
After the conference you will receive the proceedings with ISSN and ISBN. Proceedings from the conference will be published digitally on Quaesti website in archive (e-ISSN) and sent into Google Scholar. Each published paper will receive a DOI identifier for simpler and more effective linking. Previous years of the conference are available at Quaesti Archive. The conference fee is 95 Eur (authors from partnership organization and members of the Scientific Committee have reduced fee - 70Eur).
Please forward this information to your colleagues and students.
Area of interest
Quaesti is multidisciplinary conference covering following disciplines:
Psychology, Economics, Business, Financing, Management, Marketing, Education, Sociology, Law and other Social sciences
History, Archaeology, Languages, Literature, Philosophy, Religion and Humanities
Economy and Business Economics, Banking, Financial theories, Management and Marketing
Public service, Law
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth and other natural Sciences
ICT, Computer and Informatics
Civil, Electrical, mechanical, Material, Medical and other Engineering fields
Medical and Health
Key dates
Deadline for full paper submission:
November 6, 2015
Author notification about acceptance:
November 27, 2015
Conference dates:
December 7-11, 2015
Conference fee
Conference fee is set to 95 Eur (reduced fee is 70 Eur).
Publishing Society
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010 08 Žilina