
Project location:Burgos, Spain.
Host Organisation: City Hall of Burgos. Youth Department.
PIC: 944366490
Application deadline to NA: 30/04/2015
Selection deadline: 10/04/2015
2 EVS Vacancy: 1-Volunteer Audiovisual Production
       2-Volunteer Youth Hostel

Project environment
Volunteer’s accommodation is in Burgos centre. This is located two minutes from the main house. Burgos is a medium sized town with local shops and brands, banks, pubs, libraries and clubs. There is access to education (Two Universities UBU and UI1), sports (different clubs) and drama (presentations and municipal theatre school) within the town and a lot of cultural activities.
Burgos is a very central city next to very important town being just by bus two hours from Madrid, Santander, Bilbao, Valladolid or Zaragoza for example… but although it is interesting to visit other cities, Burgos is very proud of itself due to here the first European citizen was discovered; and also due to be Capital of the Castilla Kingdom and the referents of such glorious period as the castle, Las Huelgas Monastery, the Gothic Cathedral or el Hospital del Rey.
Burgos is a city road to Santiago de Compostela, very important to pilgrims.
Info tourism: http://www.turismoburgos.org/en
The volunteers will be hosted in the Municipal Youth Hostel and there it will be where one of them will have to take care of the reservations, information to hosted people (related to their trips, tourist resources), possible complains, updating the data base and collaborate in maintenance service.
The other volunteer will have to be responsible of the Audiovisual Production that the City Hall may need, as it may have to be the person in charge of recording the of the Audiovisual Contents or being the helper in the Hangar (the municipal infrastructure for Musical Production and Technique Production.
Volunteers will be encouraged to participate in the organisation and implementation of events of interest. Volunteers are encouraged to introduce and organise any ideas for events that they feel will interest and enhance the lives of service users. Volunteers share their culture and learn from ours. There is a beautiful exchange of learning about different cultures which the volunteers, the staff and the service users learn from and enjoy.
What we can offer;
· Opportunity to experience a community that offers support to young people
· Opportunity to support service users of youth department.
· Encourage and support from service users and staff.
· Accommodation in Burgos (Youth hostel) individual room.
· Breakfast, lunch and dinner from Monday to Sunday in the Youth hostel.
· Internet Access.
· Transport (Bicycle)
· To Know the work in the public administration (Youth Area).
· Linguistic support.
· Contact with people of different nationalities.
· Contact with artistic, musical movements (Youth Area).
· New skills in the audiovisual field and youth information.
· Training required for them to carry out their project tasks.
· Assistance and support will be given to help the volunteers to integrate into the    local community.
· Upskilling opportunities in the area of Youth.
· Learning opportunity in Audiovisual and youth sector.
· Opportunity to improve their communication skills.

Role/tasks of EVS volunteer:

1- Volunteer Audiovisual Production:
· Assist with group activities
· Recording of audiovisual content.
· Support for service users.
· Media production.
· Assistant partner in the technical production activities.
· Participate in music outings
· Involvement in Projects relevant to audiovisual sector..
· Bring a personal insight into other cultures and life styles.
· Coordinating new projects of interest to service users.
2- Volunteer Youth Hostel:
· Assist with group activities
· Customer information youth.
· Support in the daily management of the youth hostel.
· Telephone support.
· Tourist Knowledge resources of Burgos.
· Support for service users.
· Participate in music outings
· Involvement in Projects relevant to touristic sector..
· Bring a personal insight into other cultures and life styles.

Activities in which the volunteers are involved:
· Audiovisual, Media, Communications
· Music
· Tourism
· Youth information.
· Young music concerts.
· Daily work of a youth hostel.
City Hall of Burgos-Youth Department is an equal opportunities employer and this extends to our policy on recruiting volunteers.

The following recruitment criteria needs to be satisfied:
· Volunteers should be 18-30 years of age at the time of their application.
Belong to member country of European union and associated countries.
Haven’t participated in EVS program, except for volunteers who participated in a project for maximum of 2 months.
Spanish language skills.
Additionally, it would be highly desirable if volunteers were:

-Audiovisual volunteer: audiovisual knowledge, treatment and management of photography and video editing .
-Youth Hostel volunteer: Tourist field experience

Our profile for a successful candidate would be a volunteer that is:
· Honest;
· Flexible;
· Interested in working with young people
· Motivated to work in the area of media, communication, tourist
· Have a genuine interest in working with people;
· Interested in working in Spain for twelve months;
· Interested in learning new skills;
· Willing to introduce new ideas to our service;
· Spanish language skills.

Dates: 01.08.2015~–~01.08.2016
Deadline to apply: 30/03/2015

We ask for application to send a CV ( Europass Spanish Language), a passport photo and to fill the “Anexo 1”. that you can download from this webpage:

Then, send all documents in one e-mail indicating the name of the project “ EVS Burgos City Hall” to .
We can contact volunteers for an interview via skype

Best regards from Spain,

Europe Direct Burgos




Кои сме ние
ЕВРОПА ДИРЕКТНО в Стара Загора е член на мрежата ЕВРОПА ДИРЕКТНО в България, която от своя страна е част от група центрове EUROPE DIRECT, разположени в цяла Европа. Благодарение на тези центрове гражданите имат достъп до Европа и могат да участват в дебати за бъдещето на ЕС. Мрежата се ръководи от Европейската комисия.

Можете да ни задавате въпроси за политиките, програмите и приоритетите на ЕС и да се включите в мероприятия за бъдещето на ЕС.

Освен това посещаваме училищата, където правим презентации, организираме дискусии за ЕС и осигуряваме официални публикации.

Предоставяните от нас услуги са безплатни за участващите граждани.

Имайте предвид, че не предлагаме правни консултации, нито тълкуване на законодателството на ЕС.

За да получите повече информация за центровете в държавите — членки на ЕС, включително в България, щракнете тук.

Свържете се с нас


Адрес: ул. „Ген. Столетов“ №127

Телефон: 042 605 007


Работно време

Понеделник -четвъртък: 09:00-12:30 / 13:30-18:00

Петък: 9:00-12:30 / 13:30-17:00

Социални медии





Електронната книга „Европейски приказки под липите" е второ допълнено издание. Първата версия е създадена в рамките на EUROWEEK 2010 STARA ZAGORA. Изтеглете книгата в различни формати за електронни устройства:
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Едно от най-успешните издания на Европа Директно – Стара Загора, създадено от колегите ни от Мадрид, също се нуждаеше от промяна, за да влезе в крак с новите условия. Отново с помощта на Европа Директно – Мадрид, екипът ни обнови „Познавате ли природата на Европейския съюз?" и я предоставя за свободен достъп за всички електронни четци. Приятно забавление! Изтеглете книгата в различни формати за електронни устройства:

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Европа Директно Стара Загора - дейност, мисия, функции

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